

A game art exhibition at Kouvola Art Museum, featuring 27 playable games, blending the formal atmosphere of a museum exhibition with the buzzing energy of a video game arcade.

Between 2020 and 2022, I co-curated Pelipoikilo alongside Jaakko Kemppainen, Mari Lehtosalo, Tuuli Saarinen, and Marleena Huuhka at Kouvola Art Museum, part of Poikilo Museums. Our curatorial process involved reviewing over 100 games by simultaneously live-streaming discussions and playthroughs on Twitch.

The aim of the exhibition was to showcase the diversity of games, make them playable and accessible, and further establish games as a recognized art form. Read more here.

During the exhibition, I also co-led Gaming Tours with Marleena Huuhka, an interactive experience we designed to immerse participants in collaborative play as they explored the exhibition. This experimental, gamified curatorial approach highlighted the variety of games on display and helped the public better understand games as art. My involvement in this event was supported by Kone Foundation. Read more here.