Ateneum Game

Ateneum Game is a museum game console that features a series of cross-device multiplayer games designed specifically for the museum’s permanent exhibition, A Question of Time. Participants approach a tablet in the museum, select a game, and play with other visitors using their mobile devices. The games give visitors a chance to engage in ruthless art criticism, rewrite dominant narratives, and fight for the title of grandmaster of Finnish art history, all from the comfort of their own phones. The project is funded by Kone Foundation. Read more here

Writer, Game Designer, and Director: Harold Hejazi
Contributing Writers: Mari Jalkanen, Erica Othman, Anja Olavinen, Sonja Pasanen, Suvi Meskus, Elina Gylden, Aura Nurmi, and Linda Mitts
Sound Designer: Hannu Ikola
Producer: Mari Jalkanen
Software Development: Magis Multimedia Oy